AI Today Podcast: Automation to Intelligence Roadmap Series – What is a Business Process?

For organizations who want to get started on their AI journey, a great first place to start is with automation. However before even figuring out what to automate you should have a solid understanding of your business processes and tasks. But, what exactly is a business process? In this episode of the AI Today podcast hosts Kathleen Walch and Ron Schmelzer discuss what a business process is, define processes versus tasks, and bring this into the context of automation. If you're looking for additional information on this topic, as well as an interactive Q&A, join us for our upcoming webinar on Lessons Learned from Automation Success. Show Notes: Register for free for the upcoming Webinar for Automation to IntelligenceAI Today Podcast: Roadmap Series: Getting Started on the Automation to Intelligence JourneyAI Today Podcast Roadmap Series: From Automation to Intelligence – What should we automate and whyCognilytica courses

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Cognilytica's AI Today podcast focuses on relevant information about what's going on today in the world of artificial intelligence. Hosts Kathleen Walch and Ron Schmelzer discuss pressing topics around artificial intelligence with easy to digest content, interview guests and experts on the subject, and cut through the hype and noise to identify what is really happening with adoption and implementation of AI.