AI Today Podcast: Generative AI Series: How to Avoid Getting Screwed with Generative AI

It’s hard to have a conversation about AI these days without the topic of Generative AI coming up. People are using gen AI to help with many things from text creation, image creation, and more. But, just like with any technology, there can be a downside as well.  However, what happens when we become too reliant on technology? Is there a possibly of no longer needing certain jobs? Or, improperly embedding gen AI into systems where they shouldn’t be? Or getting lured in with low / free prices and later paying the higher price? In this episode of the AI Today podcast hosts Kathleen Walch and Ron Schmelzer discuss various ways you and your organization may get screwed by gen AI. We share what you need to watch out for, and what you can to do try to avoid this happening to you. Finally, this episode is part of our Generative AI series so make sure to subscribe to AI Today to get notified of all upcoming episodes in this series. Show Notes: CPMAI Training and Certification A Step-by-Step Approach to Running AI and Machine Learning Projects AI Today Podcast: Generative AI Series: Generative AI & Large Language Models (LLMs) – How Do They Work? Trustworthy AI Group Workshop FREE Intro to CPMAI mini course AI Glossary AI Today Podcast: Trustworthy AI Series: Ethical AI AI Today Podcast: Trustworthy AI Series: Responsible AI AI Today Podcast: Generative AI Series: Foundation Models, Fine-Tuning, and Domain-Specific LLMs AI Today Podcast: Generative AI Series: The Drawbacks and Challenges of Gen AI New York lawyers sanctioned for using fake ChatGPT cases in legal brief The World's Most Powerful AI model Suddenly got Lazier and Dumber Stanford Scientists Find that Yes, ChatGPT is Getting Stupider AI / Model Drift is Making ChatGPT Dumber Just Five ChatGPT Queries Can Use 16oz of Water, Say Researchers

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Cognilytica's AI Today podcast focuses on relevant information about what's going on today in the world of artificial intelligence. Hosts Kathleen Walch and Ron Schmelzer discuss pressing topics around artificial intelligence with easy to digest content, interview guests and experts on the subject, and cut through the hype and noise to identify what is really happening with adoption and implementation of AI.