AI Today Podcast: What is AI Industrialization? Interview with Anil Kumar, Exec. Director at Verizon

As companies are looking to leverage cognitive technology, and deploying machine learning models, organizations need to make sure they have the correct people, processes, and technology in place to succeed. In this episode of the AI Today podcast hosts Kathleen Walch and Ron Schmelzer discuss with Anil Kumar, Exec. Director AI Industrialization at Verizon what AI industrialization is and how Verizon is moving from pockets of AI/ML to AI/ML being implemented across the organization. Anil also discusses some of the unique opportunities and challenges that adopting AI across an organization as large as Verizon presents. Show Notes: December 2021 Enterprise Data and AI eventEnterprise Data and AI communityCognitive Project Management for AI (CPMAI)

Om Podcasten

Cognilytica's AI Today podcast focuses on relevant information about what's going on today in the world of artificial intelligence. Hosts Kathleen Walch and Ron Schmelzer discuss pressing topics around artificial intelligence with easy to digest content, interview guests and experts on the subject, and cut through the hype and noise to identify what is really happening with adoption and implementation of AI.