17. Russell Howard is not scared of babies on warships | DREAM GUEST | A Hilarious Podcast With Comedian Al Pitcher

EPISODE 17 - RUSSELL HOWARD Al describes this week’s dream guest, comedian Russell Howard, as his best mate - hilarious, likable and punchable at the same time. Russell describes Al as a paranoid, low-esteemed old lady in need of a body pillow. As the two comedians go down the memory lane and reminisce about the quirky events at Al’s wedding, we find out what Russell thinks of the great Swedish warship Vasa. On this week’s  Al’s Advice, an audience member wonders if Al and his guest ever run out of inspiration. Russell digs deep and quotes Bob Dylan. Find Russell Howard here: https://www.instagram.com/russellhoward/ https://www.youtube.com/@russellhoward https://www.russell-howard.co.uk/ Perhaps Sweden’s most celebrated international comic Al Pitcher, continues to make us ponder and laugh at all things funny and Swedish with his third season of Dream Guest Podcast. Recorded from his studios in Skärholmen, Stockholm, Al’s ambition is to spread his love of Sweden abroad, while bringing in stars and topics of a global scale. The season premiers the day before the American presidential elections on November 4th, 2024. Between a giant ficus tree and a neon sign, Al invites an impressive line-up of guests to sit down with him for a laugh. The celebrated satirist and program host, John Oliver, kicks off the season by sharing with the audience his pre-election jitters. This season, joining Al in discussing topics that range from childhood pranks to identity crises, are comedians Russell Howard and Evelyn Mok, as well as musicians Jill Johnson, Chris Kläfford, and James Bay. Co-hosts: Soma Manuchar / https://www.youtube.com/@UCAfzYIR4n4ko30xip8PUK-g / https://www.instagram.com/homeofsoma Simon Larsson / https://www.instagram.com/simonwithdrums Buy tickets to Al's new tour "Tid för skratt" here: https://www.alpitcher.com Find out more about Al here: official webpage: https://www.alpitcher.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alpitcher TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alpitcher Management/sponsorship inquiries: Anna Gauffin / anna@annamgmt.se This podcast is produced by SOSI Studios - soma@sosistudios.com (00:00:00) Intro (00:02:56) At school - is your dad funny(00:03:18) Frank makes a prank call(00:05:59) My name is luca prank call(00:06:30) The frank prank call(00:09:33) Best friends(00:10:15) Confidence(00:12:22) Chiaua(00:12:56) Travel pillow(00:15:09) Setlist(00:17:28) 60 cm(00:18:06) Russell is comming to Uppsala(00:18:54) Wedding(00:20:48) Wedding rice(00:22:56) The guy with a rainbow beard(00:24:29) VASA(00:26:10) Finding porrige bars(00:27:14) Al’s advice(00:29:37) Al answers question(00:30:53) Russell on creativity and comedy writing(00:32:38) Finding comedy on tour(00:33:12) Ai pitcher answers(00:34:54) Al on his friendship to russell(00:35:29) Al on laughing(00:35:47) Asshole joke(00:36:01) Pranking(00:36:56) Russells brother stealing bits(00:37:54) Shorts like Saddam(00:38:55) Bath during zoom(00:39:14) Als and russells chat(00:40:17) Russell hitting brother in wheelchair

Om Podcasten

Al Pitcher är en komiker född i England och uppvuxen i Nya Zeeland. Han bor i Sverige sedan 2010 med sin svenska fru och sina barn. När Al först kom till Sverige slogs han av hur folk skulle "fika" hela tiden. Han förstod snabbt hur viktig fikakulturen är för svenskar. Al är känd för att vara vänlig, varm och väldigt rolig på scenen, men utanför scenen han har en rädsla för att lära känna nya människor. Så, för att bli av med denna sociala rädsla har Al nu bestämt sig för att bjuda in några "DRÖMGÄSTER” som han vill lära känna bättre – och vad är bättre än att ta en fika tillsammans?