And Then There Were 8: By the Pricking of My Thumbs by Agatha Christie

Tommy and Tuppence are back! But are they better than ever? While the reintroduction of T&T into our lives--along with head injuries, hidden jewels, and (gasp of joy) Albert--is cause for unbridled celebration, this book is by no means a paragon of perfection. Get ready, because we had A LOT to discuss. Oh, and fingers crossed you too are a big Golden Girls fan.... (Sunny Ridge will always be Shady Pines in our book.) This episode is brought to you by: (coupon code AGATHA) and Best Fiends.

Om Podcasten

All About Agatha is a podcast all about, well, Agatha. Agatha Christie, of course. The Queen of Crime, a real-life Dame of the British Empire and author of sixty-six mystery novels that spanned the Twentieth Century, defining a genre. For five years, Catherine Brobeck and Kemper Donovan revisited these novels in publication order, ranking them according to pre-set criteria (plot, character, etc.). Tragically, Catherine Brobeck passed away at the end of 2021. Since then, Kemper has completed the podcast's ranking project, and now contents himself with interviewing like-minded obsessives, dissecting new adaptations, and trying to solve the age-old mystery of why Christie--and Christie alone--endures as powerfully as she does. Call it a Christie-fest, as together we revisit Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Tommy and Tuppence, and, oh, so much more...!