Why Ed Catmull, Co-Founder of Pixar, Says “We’re All In This Together”

Welcome to All Hands, a podcast where C-suite leaders talk about how smart HR and people strategy is good business strategy. In this episode, our host, Katelin Holloway talks with Ed Catmull, co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios and author of the bestselling book Creativity Inc., about what to look for when building a team, how power structures and authority can complicate the feedback process, and why there are no superstars in an organization.

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There’s no HR for People Leaders. So where can we turn for support, advice, and inspiration? That’s why All Hands, a podcast from Lattice, is back for Season Four. Your host Katelin Holloway (Founding Partner at 776) sits down with Chief People Officers, CEOs, and more incredible People Leaders to break down what works, what challenges us, and what motivates us. Each episode opens the handbook at companies like Adobe, Glassdoor, and Cotopaxi. Follow All Hands on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Youtube, or wherever you get your podcasts. Catch new episodes every other Tuesday. Learn more about how Lattice helps companies deliver great business results with smart people strategy Lattice.com or find us on Twitter @LatticeHQ.