ATG 167: Wise People Win: Here’s How to Become One

Ever had a moment that reshaped everything? Last July, I stumbled upon two sentences about wisdom. They sparked a 670-hour journey, revealing the costs: humility, relationships, money, opportunity, and time. Tracking "wisdom hours" through reading, mentoring, and reflection reshaped my decisions, well-being, patience, and curiosity. Now, I ask you: Are you actively pursuing wisdom? You can start by dedicating just an hour to activities like walking with a wise friend or journaling. Pursuing wisdom isn't just an idea; it's a transformative path. Join me as we uncover its power together in this episode.Follow me on GoodReadsBook me to speak at your event or to your team!You can get more info on the Soundtracks Video Course.I'm also on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.My new book All It Takes Is a Goal is available! You can grab a copy from your favorite bookstore or at me speak at your next event!

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The future belongs to finishers. Join New York Times Bestselling author and speaker Jon Acuff as he explores the best tips, tricks and techniques to getting from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow. All it takes is a goal.