Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas

Travel has changed. But I think we can still move through our days - socially distanced and wearing a mask - and enjoy a place. In fact, I think its vital - for our well-being and our local businesses. GET MOVING:Oak Cliff Nature PreserveGET COFFEE:Davis Street EspressoGET SHOPPING:All Good ThingsOasis Plant ShopWhite Rock Soap GalleryGET LUNCH:Old HagsMelt Ice CreamGET INSPIRED:The KesslerGET TOURISTY:Emporium PiesGET DINNER:ParadisoGet outta here! Go! And BE amongst the trees, the people, the food, the art.

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So you want to travel more, but don’t think you have time? Enter the quick trip! Courtney and her guests are on a quest to find the BEST DAY in as many cities as they can - one week at a time.