MAFS S12 Episode 16: One Last Dance

We're almost there, people! The couples spend their last night together before Decision Day and this is one tense, edit heavy episode, as the producers try their hardest to make us think we have no idea what they will do. We discuss how the edits had a lot of the conversations making no sense and Ade points out that they had one person in each couple sure of what they will say and had the other seem unsure.We do our best to break down a filler episode that is full of the same things we have watched in the last few weeks - Haley and Jake still thinking positive, Vince being childish, Clara still waiting for an I love you and ErGinia just being...Erginia.As always, we give the social media updates from past couples and an Unfiltered season finale recap. We discuss how the timing of the reunion means different things to us, make predictions for decision day and Ade predicts the order of the couples on the D-day couch.We love to hear from you guys so, drop all your MAFS thoughts and questions to us on Twitter or Instagram at @altarcallmafs and use the hashtag #altarcallmafs. Don't forget, you can listen to our show without ads and also support the show by joining our Patreon at Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Om Podcasten

Every week, Tayne & Ade, two friends who love reality TV, will recap the Lifetime show, Married At First Sight. We break down each episode as each couple who have decided to put their trust in a group of experts and marry whoever they pick. They meet for the first time on their wedding day and we follow their journey to a possible happy ever after.There'll be laughs, there'll be serious talk and of course, there'll be shade. Join us for a for a fun conversation!