Star Wars-ish Games - The Last Starfighter (Atari 8bit) & 3D Starstrike (Ent 128) - ARG Presents 285

It's the FIRST ARG of the new year, and we got a good one! Join THE BRENT and Amigo Aaron as we take on the FORCE..sorta. It's Star Wars-ISH Games! Snuggle up with your favorite wookie and enjoy our look at the Atari 8-bit Prototype game The Last Starfighter and 3D STARSTRIKE for the Enterprise 128!

Om Podcasten

Amigos Retro Gaming is a conversational, congenial series of podcasts about the computers and consoles of your youth. Includes Amigos: Everything Amiga, ARG Presents, Sprite Castle, and Pixel Gaiden! Amigos: Everything Amiga - ARG Presents - Sprite Castle - Pixel Gaiden -