Jon Ponder: Hope for Prisoners (Pt 1)

After 26 years of crime, Jon ironically found hope in prison and committed his life to helping other returning citizens live at levels that they had never dreamed about. His Hope for Prisoners has had over 4,700 clients and boasts a recidivism rate of only 8%, which is over 8 times better than the national average. Most extraordinary is that they've recruited 135 Las Vegas law enforcement officers to mentor returning citizens, which has never been done at this scale before.Support the show: for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Our country’s problems will never be solved by a bunch of fancy people in nice suits talking big words on CNN and Fox, but by An Army of Normal Folks just deciding “hey, I can help.” Hosted by Coach Bill Courtney from the Oscar-winning Undefeated, this podcast is building the Army and celebrating its extraordinary members. New episodes are released every Tuesday.