E362 An Identi-Tea Crisis and Wobbly Mountain

It's episode 362 and our guts have left the building because we're going back on tour! But don't worry, we'll make an appointment with Dr. Leona to fix us. This week Em brings us to Vermont for the mystery of the Bennington Triangle, its multiple missing persons cases, and the wild theories behind them. Then Christine covers the terrifying case of Harvey Glatman aka the Glamour Girl Slayer aka the Lonely Hearts Killer and the woman who stopped him. And are we writing our needlepoint goodbye letters?...and that's why we drink! We are back on tour! Don't miss out on the very last run of our On the Rocks live show. Get your tickets at andthatswhywedrink.com/live

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Murder and the paranormal finally meet! Grab your wine and milkshakes and join us every Sunday for some chilling ghost stories and downright terrifying true crime stories. The world's a scary place. And that's why we drink!