E369 Frankenstein's Monster's Ghost and Grunge Justice

It's episode 369, but, wait, what episode is it again? We need a gentle reminder. This week Em inducts us into the lifestyles of the rich, the famous and the haunted with a story of the infamous Dakota apartment building in New York City. Then Christine pays lovely tribute to a true punk legend gone too soon, Mia Zapata of the Gits. And show us a satanist we wouldn't want to hang out with... and that's why we drink! We're in the home stretch of our On the Rocks tour! Don't miss the last live shows of this tour, get your tickets at andthatswhywedrink.com

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Murder and the paranormal finally meet! Grab your wine and milkshakes and join us every Sunday for some chilling ghost stories and downright terrifying true crime stories. The world's a scary place. And that's why we drink!