Are You An Empath?
Greetings, indeed. I am Archangel Muriel here with you now. Notice my energy signature, my presence, and how you feel. Notice any color you see, any sensation you experience, and know that as you open your heart and quiet your mind, my presence will be experienced more and more for I am here with you at this time. I am here in this moment to simply love, serve, and assist you, for you are so loved and encouraged on your path in your life, which unfolds before you one step at a time. One moment at a time life unfolds before you, indeed. I speak to you now on empathy and on being empathic. Empathy in understanding and relating to an experience of another, being able to understand the perspective of another, to momentarily view reality through the eyes of another, to walk that mile in another’s shoes. To understand their perspective, their hardship, their life so that you may respond with love, with non judgment, and in a way which serves the other and serves all. This is similar and yet somewhat different from being an empath.