Returning to Wholeness With Archangel Metatron

Harmonize your mind with that of the collective field of one love. This process of balancing has already begun and now provides you an opportunity  to fully harmonize with the greater field of love and unity on Earth! Your angels, and Archangel Metatron are on hand to support you in healing, forgiveness and compassion. Now is the time to face your deepest fears and desires… realizing the memories, people and events from your past which still evoke pain, anger, jealousy and other negatively charged reactions.

Om Podcasten

Angel Messages and Meditations channeled by Melanie Beckler, Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed author and angel channel who is passionate about sharing the guidance and high vibrational frequencies of love, healing, and light from the higher celestial realms. Relax, listen and lift on the wings of love and angelic energy woven through each and every message. Experience the love and blessings of the angelic realm for yourself in these profound angel messages, meditations, and angelic frequency transmissions!