Episode 247: How Emmy Robinson Gained 100K Followers By Making Stop Motion Animations In Her Bedroom

This chat features budding stop motion animator Emmy Robinson, who gained over 100,000 Instagram followers for her bedroom-made stop motion animations in only eight short months. She shares how she played to Instagram’s algorithm to get attention for her work, and then how she capitalized on the niche she discovered. Tune in to Ibele and Robinson to hear: *How much money Robinson has made from her Instagram following *What made Robinson quit school to pursue social media full time *How her minimal-effort animation style led to big success Social Links: *Follow Robinson on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emenro.emmy/ *Check out Robinson’s website: https://emenro.com/

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Welcome to AIP, the Animation Industry Podcast! Here you'll find interviews from today's top leadaers in the animation industry on topics like: *the best way to pitch a show *how to successfully market your work online *what kind of skills will get your dream job *and more! Who's running this podcast? My name is Terry, and I'm a stop motion animator. I'm soaking up as much knowledge about the animation industry as I can, and sharing what I learn along the way. For more information about this podcast, visit https://terryibele.com/animation-industry-podcast/