S04E10: COMPARISON: The Parent Trap (1961/1998)
On this episode of Another Man’s Nostalgia, we did the second comparison episode of our trilogy. This week watched The Parent Trap from 1961 and 1998. Mills vs Lohan, The Butler vs The Reverend, and 90s music vs "Let's Get Together, Yeah Yeah Yeah". Which one was better? Will John still enjoy it? Push play and find out! Watch this episode on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/yw9Xvb-iQ10 https://hbtreeservice.com/ Current Score: John: 5 Justin: 3.5 Chris: 2 Where to reach us: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/anothermanspod Email: anothermanspod@gmail.com Twitter: @anothermanspod Instagram: anothermanspod Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Another-Mans... Our theme is royal free music from https://incompetech.com. The song is called Digital Lemonade by Kevin MacLeod