Trying to understand Ad Tech

Online advertising is worth $300bn a year, and yet almost no-one that doesn't work on an ad team really understands much of it. So what is the cookie apocalypse, what does it mean, and where is the money and power moving? No, we don't know either.

Om Podcasten

If you're looking for another over-scripted and edited podcast, this is not it. But if you want to listen to honest and unfiltered discussions about the latest in tech and its impact on society, welcome, you have come to the right place. This is Another Podcast where two friends and colleagues discuss their overlapping experiences and perspectives on what happens in technology. We might know some of the same things, yet we also have different backgrounds and expertise, or at least, we ask different questions. Benedict Evans has worked in equity research, strategy and venture capital and owns lots of old phones; Toni Cowan-Brown works at the intersection of tech, policy and politics.