Anything Ghost Show #253 - Snapping in the Night, Haunted Institution, Putnam County, Indiana Haunting and Much More!

1. Mike (South Carolina) - Snapping in the Night2. Oliver (St. Petersburg, Florida) – Electric Spirit3. Cheyenne (San Antonio, Texas) - Tiffany4. Ann (NJ, US) - Thank You Very Much5. Anna (Midwest, U.S.) -  Haunted Institution6. Candice (Perth, Australia) - Aunt's SpiritSong Break: I Saw Three Ghost Ships (on Christmas Day)7. Amanda (York, Pennsylvania) - Memories with the Paranormal and Granny’s House8. Tracy (U.S.) - A Haunting in Putnam County, Indiana

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Since 2006, Anything Ghost has been sharing people's personal paranormal experiences. The stories are sent to Lex Wahl, who reads the experiences and sometimes adds music and effects to the background.