How Your Relationship with Food Impacts Your Gut & Stress with Dana Monsees

Are You Menstrual? – In this episode, I’m joined by Dana Monsees and we are diving into some challenging but important topics. A big one is around our relationship with food and how this can impact other areas of our health. We will also be talking about the problems with intuitive eating and how to use nutrition from a neutral, non-diet approach. Dana is a Dietitian-Nutritionist (MS, CNS, LDN) and Body Image Coach who specializes in helping women with gut issues and burnout from a HAES, non...

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Are You Menstrual Podcast with your host, Amanda, a women’s health dietitian. In this podcast, Amanda helps you navigate the confusing world of women’s hormones and teach you how to have healthy periods. Each week will be diving into a different topic on women’s health and sharing our perspective using nutrition, female physiology, and metabolic health. The goal is to help you wade through conflicting health information and empower you on your healing journey. We hope you enjoy it! Website: