#309 - Domingo 08/10/2023
:: Área 51 del Corazón 309 :: 01. New Order - Dreams never end | 02. Secret Attraction - Return | 03. A Split-Second - Rigor mortis | 04. Plague Pits - The dignity of serfdom | 05. New Dimension - Stuttgart-schwarz (Odeon mix) | 06. Wolfsheim - Tender days | 07. Berenika - Times like this | 08. Ploho - Никогда Не Говори Никогда | 09. Countless Dreams - Doomsday | 10. A Beacon School - Jon. » https://abeaconschool.bandcamp.com/album/yoyo » https://secretattraction.bandcamp.com/album/lp3-3 » https://thisisplaguepits.bandcamp.com/album/creatures » https://plohoband.bandcamp.com/album/when-the-soul-sleeps