Games That Became OTHER GAMES - Time Pilot (Arcade) and Brataccas (Amiga) - ARG Presents 193

SWITCHAROO this week on ARG Presents!  Join THE BRENT and Amigo Aaron as we take a look at Games that became OTHER GAMES!  These are games that started off in one direction, and for a variety of reason, turned out COMPLETELY differently in the end!  Join the fellas as they look at TIME PILOT from the arcades and the INFAMOUS BRATACCAS aka BANDERSNATCH on the Commodore Amiga!

Om Podcasten

From the hosts of Amigos: Everything Amiga, the other side of retro gaming. Focused on obscure consoles and games. If you know what the Acorn Archimedes and Odyssey^2 are, you're in the right place.