Games With One Word Titles - Zorro (Atari 8-Bit) & Premiere (Amiga) - ARG Presents 173

They say brevity is the soul of wit, but this week, it's the soul of two half-wits here on ARG PRESENTS!  Yes, it's Games With One World Titles this week on the show, and we've scoured the globe for the finest games that fit that description!  Then, after finding these games, we tossed those aside and played Zorro for the Atari Computers and Premiere for the Commodore Amiga instead!  Enjoy!

Om Podcasten

From the hosts of Amigos: Everything Amiga, the other side of retro gaming. Focused on obscure consoles and games. If you know what the Acorn Archimedes and Odyssey^2 are, you're in the right place.