Grandstand Video Entertainment Computer / Channel F II - Bowling & Galactic Space Wars - ARG Presents 158

Welcome to an interesting edition of ARG Presents!  This time out, we've landed on the Fairchild F8 processor, the brains of the Grandstand Video Computer and Channel F II, among other consoles.  We learn a bit about the processor itself, including a DIRECT connection to the founding of INTEL!  Then it's game time, as we tackle BOWLING and Galactic Space Wars!   #argpresents  #galacticspacewars  #channelfbowling

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From the hosts of Amigos: Everything Amiga, the other side of retro gaming. Focused on obscure consoles and games. If you know what the Acorn Archimedes and Odyssey^2 are, you're in the right place.