Weather Games - Team Xtreme Operation Weather Disaster & Weather War II (C64) - ARG Presents 262

* FILMED DURING AN ACTUAL THUNDERSTORM for you enjoyment!* The forecast calls for a copious amount of FUN this week on ARG Presents! Join Action News Team Meteorologist Amigo Aaron and sexy weathergirl THE BRENT as we look at, by request, WEATHER GAMES! Doppler radar predicts a 100 percent chance of bad acting as we look at Team Xtreme: Operation Weather Disaster for Windows 3.1. Then, the 5 day outlook spells doom for you castle. Expect lightning, hail, tornados, and rain as we take a look at WEATHER WAR II! Back to you, Wink!

Om Podcasten

From the hosts of Amigos: Everything Amiga, the other side of retro gaming. Focused on obscure consoles and games. If you know what the Acorn Archimedes and Odyssey^2 are, you're in the right place.