#15 Richard Stampton (AU), Arquitetura Entre Vistas ABROAD

Today, we cross the globe. In this episode we talk with the architect Richard Stampton. Whom consciously decided: not to go into competitions; not to extensively show his work (which is different from hiding it); as well as to resist the urge to think further then what he is actually drawing. Did you know this also a possible approach? “I was very conscious, when I started my practice, to be small in a meaningful way.”, he claims. Do you know what it means to be “ramen profitable? I didn’t either. Richard confesses his pursue for a deeper understanding on the haptics as well as the essencial counterpoint of letting go certain parts: “a building often gets to a scale where there needs to be a blanc wall”. Do add up to the equation: “The building you do, if it it made out of cardboard or if it is made out of gold leaf, it should still work. The design should work almost regardless of the material.” As simple and complex as that. This is a triadic situation between: what the client wants, what the author thinks, what the world needs. Truth being told, “the level of control an architect has is usually highly exaggerated…throughout history. Architects don’t make cities.” “I love that there is a limitation over what we can control over a project.” Guest: Richard Stampton (Phillip Island, AU) Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal) Upload your references to: arquiteturaentrevistas.com Instagram @arquiteturaentrevistas Follow for more thoughts on architecture.

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Your public space for thinking architecture is now going ABROAD. every 3rd, 13th and 23rd (3x a month) Each episode on a different place but always on Spotify…and instagram and on the website arquiteturaentrevistas.com (upload your references to our website)