#20 operadora (MX+USA), Arquitetura Entre Vistas ABROAD

Our 20th stop is in Mexico and/or New York (UK), alongside Edgar Rodriguez, with whom we develop on the idea of media, transmedia and intermedia.  Let’s picture architecture as a system, not a perfect system but one that incorporated chance - it is always being fixed, improved, broken apart and put together. “Its all about focusing on the process and the different variations that could result from those processes.” “Every project has its own system, with its own set of rules and then the final result is only one instance of that combination of elements (…) It is not a singular instance that is the right one, it’s wherever you decide were the process ends and you move on to the next stage of the project.” Have you ever thought about building a fictional building for real? What about building a fictional building? What makes an idea relevant to architecture after all? Can a House without an interior be an architectural idea if no space is being defined? Looking around, or onto social media, Edgar notices something I have never heard anyone say so directly “it’s almost like all the architects are the same architect and we are all producing the same type of work.” Are we all just producing many instances of the same project? Guest: Edgar Rodriguez, operadora (Mexico, MX +  New York, USA) Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal) Sponsor: JJTeixeira Upload your references to: arquiteturaentrevistas.com Instagram @arquiteturaentrevistas Follow for more thoughts on architecture.

Om Podcasten

Your public space for thinking architecture is now going ABROAD. every 3rd, 13th and 23rd (3x a month) Each episode on a different place but always on Spotify…and instagram and on the website arquiteturaentrevistas.com (upload your references to our website)