187 – Anon Anon Meeting

Know us by our sacred form; as Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos; yuanshi tianzun, lingbao tianzun, daode tianzun; final fantasy 10, final fantasy 10-2, final fantasy 10-3 (on ao3, lulu is in a reeducation camp, yuna is given more guns)— and yes, at times in the form of OK, Lucia, and Sarah on Art and Labor: Audio … Continue reading "187 – Anon Anon Meeting"

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Art & Labor chronicles the stories of social justice organizing within the arts. We hope to center the human cost of the “art world” and advocate for fair labor practices for artists, assistants, fabricators, docents, interns, registrars, janitors, writers, editors, curators, guards, performers, and anyone doing work for art & cultural institutions.