Episode 55 – Freelance Solidarity Project with Haley Mlotek and Stella Becerril

We’re back! We have a lovely discussion with Haley Mlotek (@haleymlotek) and Stella Becerril (@xicanaspice) from The Freelance Solidarity Project, which has recently decided to join National Writers Union (@paythewriter). The union is open to freelance, part time, and full time staffers of all mediums, regardless of location. JOIN HERE! If you like the podcast … Continue reading "Episode 55 – Freelance Solidarity Project with Haley Mlotek and Stella Becerril"

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Art & Labor chronicles the stories of social justice organizing within the arts. We hope to center the human cost of the “art world” and advocate for fair labor practices for artists, assistants, fabricators, docents, interns, registrars, janitors, writers, editors, curators, guards, performers, and anyone doing work for art & cultural institutions.