Podcast 062: Robert Matheson

I'm a sucker for acoustic (double) bass. I'll admit it. Something about the low tones, deep resonance and the physicality required to play it keeps me entranced. It also helps that I can't play the sucker (a lack of frets sends me running!), so it remains mystical to me. But mix the double bass with looping, audio processing and tons of sensing - and you've got my undivided attention. Robert Matheson (www.robertmatheson.net) does just that. He shared his latest recording, Day's End, with me, and I was completely down for a chat. But the more I found out about his playing rig and techniques, the more I needed to know. It was a fascinating chat, and opened my eyes about the kinds of sensing that works with an instrument as massive as the bass. Enjoy, and if you get a chance check out Day's End on Bandcamp!

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An interview podcast where we talk to people that are engaged in the connection of art and music to technology. Visual artists, musicians, software developers and other creatives are invited to talk about their background, current work and future vision.