Podcast 070: Justin Brierley on Tod Dockstader

I'm not going to editorialize on this one - its importance should be self-evident. Justin Brierley had been interacting with Tod Dockstader and his daughter Tina for some time, starting with his interest during a stint at school. He subsequently was able to work with Tod's computer (containing much unreleased material), but perhaps more importantly he was able to spend time with Tod before his death, talking about music and more. Rather than have me blather on, please check out the following links: Unlocking Dockstader (Justin's site)The Unofficial Tod Dockstader siteStarkland Records Home PageStarkland's Dockstader PageWired Magazines overview of Tod Enjoy, and please learn more about Tod!

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An interview podcast where we talk to people that are engaged in the connection of art and music to technology. Visual artists, musicians, software developers and other creatives are invited to talk about their background, current work and future vision.