Podcast 109: Giorgio Sancristoforo

Giorgio Sancristoforo has been on my radar for quite a while - mainly due to his software development work. He uses Max/MSP to develop interesting composition systems. He's probably best know for the Gleetchlab software, but I really fell in love with the Berna software, which provided a chance to experience 'old school' electronic music composition with all the limitations of the original labs. If you aren't familiar with his software, you should check out his website: http://www.giorgiosancristoforo.net/ While you are there, also take a look at some of his other work. His music is really interesting, and he was also involved in the creation of a documentary about electronic music, and he is an extraordinarily busy live performer. He's also been teaching, and working with AGON on various works. I hope you enjoy this chat; Giorgio is an amazing guy, and I appreciated the opportunity to dig into the details with him. Enjoy!

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An interview podcast where we talk to people that are engaged in the connection of art and music to technology. Visual artists, musicians, software developers and other creatives are invited to talk about their background, current work and future vision.