Podcast 21: Barry Threw

I seem to have known Barry Threw for a long time, but after this interview I realized that this was the single longest conversation we'd ever had. Some of the reason behind this is that we often met up at conferences or shows (AES, NAMM, Expo74 and the like...), where time is unnaturally fragmented into small bits. So this was a refreshing change of pace for us, and we took advantage of it by drilling into a wide variety of things: architectural surface projection, Naut Humon and Recombinant Media Labs, the development of the K-bow and even abstract stuff like "religion as a precursor art locale". Toward the end of the podcast, we also talk a little about the plight of Bassel Khartabil, a technologist currently imprisoned in Syria. If you would like to learn more - or get involved - you can find out more at Barry's site (barrythrew.com) and at the FreeBassel site (freebassel.org).

Om Podcasten

An interview podcast where we talk to people that are engaged in the connection of art and music to technology. Visual artists, musicians, software developers and other creatives are invited to talk about their background, current work and future vision.