Podcast 220: Ben Hinz (Dwarfcraft Devices)

Sometimes I just get lucky; in this case, I happened to skip over to the 'check your messages' widget in Facebook, and saw that I had a conversation I'd never checked into. It was from Benjamin Hinz of Dwarfcraft Devices, and we started talking about doing an interview. When I realized that he was in Eau Claire (about a 1 1/2 hour drive from me), I knew that we needed to do this face-to-face. And so we did! I got a chance to see the Dwaftcraft offices, say hi to some of the people working their (and see their process in action) and have a lunch at Culver's (which is something that every Midwesterner would understand). Then we holed up in Ben's office - which is filled to the brim with instruments, circuit boards and drawings - and did our interview. He's got some interesting ideas about music-making and circuit and product design, and has come to these ideas through hard work and a player's experience. I always appreciate people that balance the player and design aesthetic, and Ben does that to a T. I had a great visit, a good time talking - and even walked away with a score that will be the map for an upcoming album. So how about that!?! Enjoy!

Om Podcasten

An interview podcast where we talk to people that are engaged in the connection of art and music to technology. Visual artists, musicians, software developers and other creatives are invited to talk about their background, current work and future vision.