Podcast 350: James McCartney

Yay! It finally came together! I’ve been working on getting James McCartney  for a while, and it happened! And the chat was as good as I hoped – we got to completely geek out on music/audio programming discussions, he introduced me into a class of new instruments, we talked about the past and the future… It’s what makes this podcast so awesome to produce. As I said, we wandered around the landscape, talking about his interest in the Jankó keyboard (and his acoustic piano of the same), how he got started in computer music programming, the early development of SuperCollider, and his current exploration into new programming languages. I came out of it understanding both James and his work much better. Enjoy! Transcription available at http://www.darwingrosse.com/AMT/transcript-0350.html

Om Podcasten

An interview podcast where we talk to people that are engaged in the connection of art and music to technology. Visual artists, musicians, software developers and other creatives are invited to talk about their background, current work and future vision.