Podcast 380: Panic Girl (Martha Bahr)

Oh yeah! I’ve been working on getting this interview for a while. It combines modular synths (love ‘em), compositional techniques, an extremely busy schedule – and even using the voice as an instrument! The time that I got to spend with Martha Bahr (Panic Girl) was more than amazing – it was transforming for me. The way that Martha approaches her work is going to be helpful to anyone making electronic music. So I just spilt the beans on a few of the topic we covered, but we were all over the place. And we got along like old friends – even though I don’t think we’d ever met. Martha is super-easy to talk to, and leads a very interesting life, so doing this interview was like falling out of a tree. I don’t need to talk this one up much – truly one of my favorite interviews ever. Dig in! Oh, and you can check out her new album here: https://iuwerecords.bandcamp.com/album/washed-ashore Transcription available at http://www.darwingrosse.com/AMT/transcript-0380.html Exclusive extra content on the Patron page: https://www.patreon.com/darwingrosse

Om Podcasten

An interview podcast where we talk to people that are engaged in the connection of art and music to technology. Visual artists, musicians, software developers and other creatives are invited to talk about their background, current work and future vision.