ArtCurious News This Week: July 29, 2022

Hi there, everyone. It’s Jennifer, ArtCurious host, back at you this week with our new short-form Friday roundup of my favorite art history updates and interesting news tidbits. This is ArtCurious News this Week, and this, as a gentle reminder, is in addition to the ArtCurious episodes you know and love and gets you up to date on the latest goings-on in the realm of art history. Okay, let’s go.  This week’s stories: Artnews: Archaeologists Unearth Roman Mosaic in Rural British Town Artnews: The First 750-Year-Old Medieval Shipwreck Was Discovered Off the Coast of England Artnews: The ‘Indiana Jones of Art’ Receives Priceless Lost Relic Containing Jesus’ ‘Blood’ in Package On Doorstep Artnews: Activists Glued Themselves to Botticelli’s ‘Primavera’ in Latest Climate Protest The Observer: Museum Director Responsible for Seized Basquiat Collection Has a Previous History of Discovering So-Called Lost Art Please SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW our show on Apple Podcasts and FOLLOW on Spotify Instagram / Facebook / YouTube SPONSOR: BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough: save up to 42 percent by using my promo code “art10.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Think art history is boring? Think again. It's weird, funny, mysterious, enthralling, and liberating. Join us as we cover the strangest stories in art. Is the Mona Lisa fake? Did Van Gogh actually kill himself? And why were the Impressionists so great? Subscribe to us here, and follow us at for further information and fun extras. © 2023 Jennifer Dasal