Listener Favorites--Number 1, Part 2: Was Van Gogh Accidentally Murdered? (Season 1, Episode 2)

You voted, and we listened! For the next couple of months, we’re replaying your top five favorite episodes of ArtCurious. Thanks to the many who voted! Up this week, it’s your top choice, our most popular episode ever— was Vincent van Gogh accidentally murdered? This is the first second of this episode-- go back and listen to the first part if this is your first time tuning in. Please SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW our show on Apple Podcasts! SPONSORS Kaboonki: Our amazing production company can help you with videos, advertising, writing, podcasting, and more! ArtCurious, the Book: grab your copy of our first book now, wherever you buy books, audiobooks, or ebooks! Want to advertise/sponsor our show? We have partnered with AdvertiseCast to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. They’re great to work with and will help you advertise on our show. Please email or click the link below to get started. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Think art history is boring? Think again. It's weird, funny, mysterious, enthralling, and liberating. Join us as we cover the strangest stories in art. Is the Mona Lisa fake? Did Van Gogh actually kill himself? And why were the Impressionists so great? Subscribe to us here, and follow us at for further information and fun extras. © 2023 Jennifer Dasal