Rock Follies

Rula Lenska was one of the stars of this 1970s TV series about a fictional female band, playing the role of Nancy "Q" Cunard de Longchamps, alongside Julie Covington and Charlotte Cornwell. She joins Matthew Sweet along with Howard Schuman, who wrote the series, and Andy Mackay, saxophonist with Roxy Music, who co-wrote the songs with Howard. Also taking part are Chloë Moss who has written the book for a stage adaptation of the series that is opening at the Chichester Festival Theatre, and critic David Benedict.Producer: Torquil MacLeodRock Follies based on the television series written by Howard Schuman. Book by Chloë Moss/ Songs by Howard Schuman and Andy Mackay runs at Chichester Festival Theatre from Mon 24 Jul – Sat 26 AugYou can find other discussions about groundbreaking TV in our Free Thinking archives and available on BBC Sounds including Russell T Davies, Sabina Dosani and Jill Nalder on Depicting AIDS in Drama and It's A Sin Crossroads and TV soaps with Paula Milne, Gail Renard and Russell T Davies Quatermass discussed by Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat, Una McCormack, Claire Langhamer and Matthew Kneale Star Trek with George Takei, Naomi Alderman, Una McCormack and José-Antonio Orosco Oliver Postgate discussed by Sandra Kerr, Daniel Postgate, Neil Brand and Samira Ahmed

Om Podcasten

Leading thinkers discuss the ideas shaping our lives – looking back at the news and making links between past and present. Broadcast as Free Thinking, Fridays at 9pm on BBC Radio 4. Presented by Matthew Sweet, Shahidha Bari and Anne McElvoy.