Memory & Memories

Aaah, Memories! In this episode, the girls take a trip down memory lane as well as talking about memory itself. As is so often the case, Bev and Marina come from very different viewpoints, and while Bev struggles to remember anything at all, Marina can recall specific details from way back when; (having said that, she sometimes forgets to pack her pants when she goes away, and she once forgot to confirm her son's place at his new school!) This charming and funny discussion between the two friends touches on holidays they've had together, childhood memories, the benefits of being able to forget, as well as tips and tools for how to better remember things. It explores the idea that it's actually liberating when we own up to having forgotten something, rather than coming up with excuses; and also whether perhaps, in this digital world, we are too preoccupied with recording every little thing on our smart phones. Because in terms of living a life that's As Good As It Gets, perhaps the memories we have in our own minds may just be the best ones of all. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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Marina Fogle and Beverley Turner share their thoughts and experiences on a range of themes that are closest to our hearts, and ask the question, has it already been As Good As It Gets? See for privacy and opt-out information.