🌟NEW! 2024 MARCH SPEAKER SERIES LEARN FROM 5 SUPERSTAR ASTROLOGERS THIS MARCH! SIGN UP BEFORE FEB 29TH TO CHOOSE YOUR TUITION RATE!DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS AMAZING OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN FROM THE BEST IN THE FIELD! Schedule 1. Katherine O'Connell - Your Dreams are Your Best Medicine 2. Victoria Almiroty - Astrology Readings of Children’s Natal Charts 3. Fernando Guimares - The Power of Solar Arc Directions 4. Lianne McCafferty - The MC/IC Axis and Your Life Journey 5. Maurice Fernandez - The JUPITER/URANUS Cycle SIGN UP BEFORE FEB 29TH TO CHOOSE YOUR TUITION RATE! LEARN MORE AND SIGN UP NOW In this class Victoria will give tips for reading children's charts and for understanding our own inner child. From a child perspective, there is a whole different interpretation of planets and houses. The younger the native, more external are the planets representation by others. Explore the intricacies of children's natal charts in this class. Join Victoria for an enriching journey into the world of astrology tailored for the younger generation. Victoria Almiroty is CAP ISAR 2012, working with clients since 2001. Astrologer teacher of advanced predictive techniques since 2016. Licensed Psychologist and a BA in Business. Has written and participated in many radio shows, tv shows and social media from Argentina to the world. Mother of two boys now 16 and 13. Had the honor to publish a video for Nadiya Shah's You Tube Channel, and she recently gave a webinar about Children's Astrology in November 2023 to ISAR members through the ISAR platform Social Media Instagram: @victoria_psico_astro Youtube Channel: