Jung, Astrology& Tarot with Ursula Stockder, Devil Card, Sphinx Symbolism in Chariot Card+ more!

NEW! 5-Week Course "Tarot and Astrology" with Ursula Stockder Jungian Astrologer SIGN UP BEFORE AUG 30, 2022 TO CHOOSE YOUR TUITION RATE! 1.The History and Development of the Tarot Cards 2.Colours and Numbers 3.Jung’s Psychological Influence on the Major Arcana 4.The 4 Elements and The Importance of the Minor Arcana 5.Merging Tarot & Astrology SYNCHRONICITY UNIVERSITY! LIMITED TIME CHOOSE YOUR TUITION RATE! Learn more and sign up at https://www.synchronicityuniversity.com During this five-weeks course we will approach different themes that are very important to consider while making a tarot reading. We are mainly going to be working with the Marseille, the Rider Wait and the Aleister Crowley Thoth tarot decks, although we are also going to be analyzing the influence of decks by painters, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Dali, Remedios Varo, Jheronimus Bosch and more. Ursula Stockder is a Mexican astrologer, Jungian therapist specialized in palliative care and painter. She is a full-time astrologer and teaches astrology since 1995. At the moment she is the Mexican satellite for OPA Organization for Professional Astrology, the ISAR Global Director and the Cosmic Patterns representative for Mexico. Through her cultural center she is helping to promote astrology and art in her country. @circulo_astral @synchronicityuniversity #astrologyclass #astrologytalk #astrologer #astrologyclassonline

Om Podcasten

The Synchronicity Podcast with Nadiya Shah Is the audio version to her online video content. Visit Nadiya’s wildly popular Youtube channel, nadiyashahdotcom, to watch the video version of this show. French Vanity Fair named Nadiya Shah one of the top 12 astrologers on the planet, crowning her a pioneer in video astrology. She is an Internationally Syndicated Astrologer, Author, Media Personality, and is one of the few people in the world to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination, from the University of Kent, United Kingdom. Visit Nadiya's website: nadiyashah.com