Shireen Khan, Mind Life Coach Advice
*Visit Shireen's website at Since she was ten, Shireen knew she wanted to dedicate her life to helping others heal and succeed. She first found the motivation to do it when people said she was calming to be around, and they felt vibrant, relaxed, and lighter after being with her. Right after graduating from Cloud Watson School of Fine Arts, Shireen became a Reiki Master, pursuing her education and graduating from The Canadian Reiki Institute of Toronto. That led her to further her studies in spiritual psychotherapy, so she studied at The Transformational Arts College of Toronto. Simultaneously, Shireen went to Kokoro Dojo in Toronto where she became a Zen Shiatsu practitioner, and also became certified Ayurvedic practitioner from The Ayurvedic School of Toronto. Shireen began her practice with a small business, and shortly after her career and her business boomed, creating opportunities for her to travel the world and help others be the best version of themselves. Her knowledge and experience brought her to Dubai, Italy, Ireland, Morocco, Belize, Bermuda and many other places in South America. These travels encouraged her to become a philosophy student at The University of Calgary, and later she became a certified Life Coach graduating from Udemy. At the moment, Shireen meets clients either online or face-to-face in 30 to 60 minutes sessions a week. In these sessions, she helps her clients set life goals to make their dreams happen. As a Life Coach, Shireen focuses on individual personal growth and happiness, and she is skilled at providing structured questions that will help organize anyone's thoughts. She also has excellent critical thinking skills to help her clients set tangible goals. Most of all, Shireen enjoys being a part of their lives, seeing them succeed by providing constructive feedback to make sure they never stop pursuing their dreams. EXCITING NEWS! SuperStar REBIRTH Is Here! Now, you can be a Superstar for as low as just $3 a month! The Future Is Magical I truly believe that my weekly Superstar Videoscopes can be helpful, inspiring, and comforting during these special astrological times. I am committed to making them as accessible to as many people as possible. FRENCH VANITY FAIR Top 12 astrologers on the planet REFINERY29 Top 10 astrologers on YouTube Be Social: To interact and be in the loop on astrological happenings and inspirations... 'Like' me here: 'Follow' me here: 'Follow" me here: Thank You for watching! *N.