JOIN US FOR THE JULY 2023 SPEAKER SERIES! SIGN UP BEFORE JUNE 30TH TO CHOOSE YOUR TUITION RATE!  Learn more and sign up now at Pamela Quinn - Wisdom & Saturn Mythology…who is Saturn? (Father Time, Satan, Dark Prince) The struggle is real (house prior to natal Saturn) Service required Worshipping Saturn through life cycles    You must serve Saturn (karmic release) Saturn as time Embracing the spiritual essence of loneliness Current Saturn Transit & Commentary  Pouring water in a cardboard box WHO IS ON THE SCHEDULE: Chritsteen Skinner ASTRO-MONEY MANAGEMENT Pamela Quinn - Wisdom & Saturn JANÉT JONES Understanding Yod Aspects. Here's the description CELESTE BROOKS Eclipses  –  Forecasting the Future BECCA TARNAS - Creating a Thriving Transit Practice SIGN UP BEFORE JUNE 30TH TO CHOOSE YOUR TUITION RATE!  Learn more and sign up now at

Om Podcasten

The Synchronicity Podcast with Nadiya Shah Is the audio version to her online video content. Visit Nadiya’s wildly popular Youtube channel, nadiyashahdotcom, to watch the video version of this show. French Vanity Fair named Nadiya Shah one of the top 12 astrologers on the planet, crowning her a pioneer in video astrology. She is an Internationally Syndicated Astrologer, Author, Media Personality, and is one of the few people in the world to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination, from the University of Kent, United Kingdom. Visit Nadiya's website: