Major Transits for 2024 and Beginning of 2025: Unprecedented Times

Hi everyone! We've been discussing Pluto return for the USA since 2018 and this period of time is certainly not boring. The USA is experiencing an exact Pluto return in 2024, and we really are witnessing a year like no other. Between an assassination attempt, Biden dropping out of the race, global humanitarian crisis, and threats of a world war - this is certainly not an uneventful time in history. In this segment we look at some of the intense transits from now until mid 2025 and what to be on the lookout for. We also discuss how to focus on what we can control in order to create from a space of love instead of destroy from a place of hate. Work with Christine I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link: The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka instagram: astrologynow_podcast keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse

Om Podcasten

AstrologyNow is devoted to sharing the ancient science of Jyotish or Vedic astrology. By tuning into cosmic forces we may better understand ourselves at a soul level, connect to others with more divinity, and feel more prepared in navigating the world around us. This podcast provides weekly astrological updates, forecasts, and research while encouraging personal introspection and providing insight into global events. Christine has a Masters in Social Work and is certified in Vedic Astrology, Hatha yoga, and Kundalini. She owes all of her knowledge to her teachers and is infinitely grateful.