Mars Debilitated in Cancer: Global Predictions + Horoscopes for Each Sign

Hi everyone! In this segment we cover the transit of Mars in Cancer. The fiery and passionate planet of Mars is debilitated in the sign of Cancer - causing Mars to feel quite uncomfortable and unable to operate properly. This can cause some big disturbances in the world and potentially in our personal lives! What happens when the planet of war and anger is subjected to the emotional waters of Cancer? Astrology is like the weather. When we understand the cosmic energy ahead of time, we can plan accordingly. I hope this is helpful! Christine: website: instagram: astrologynow_podcast patreon: 

Om Podcasten

AstrologyNow is devoted to sharing the ancient science of Jyotish or Vedic astrology. By tuning into cosmic forces we may better understand ourselves at a soul level, connect to others with more divinity, and feel more prepared in navigating the world around us. This podcast provides weekly astrological updates, forecasts, and research while encouraging personal introspection and providing insight into global events. Christine has a Masters in Social Work and is certified in Vedic Astrology, Hatha yoga, and Kundalini. She owes all of her knowledge to her teachers and is infinitely grateful.