New Moon in Dhanishta Nakshatra: Actively Participate in Making Your Dharma Reality

In this segment we explore the potent new moon energy in the sidereal sign of Capricorn. This is a very heavy and dense energy as we move towards the light (or lack there of) of the new moon. This period of time is heavily influenced by both Saturn and Mars... two planets that generally don't ask for hand outs, rest, or comfort. This is a period of leaning into resistance and really showing the Universe what we want with good ol' commitment, carity, perseverance, and strength. We explore other astrological energies and how these may impact you and the world around. Work with Christine: Website: Patreon: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon

Om Podcasten

AstrologyNow is devoted to sharing the ancient science of Jyotish or Vedic astrology. By tuning into cosmic forces we may better understand ourselves at a soul level, connect to others with more divinity, and feel more prepared in navigating the world around us. This podcast provides weekly astrological updates, forecasts, and research while encouraging personal introspection and providing insight into global events. Christine has a Masters in Social Work and is certified in Vedic Astrology, Hatha yoga, and Kundalini. She owes all of her knowledge to her teachers and is infinitely grateful.