Ratatouille (2007) : March Madness - Top Chart Tuesdays

Is this a perfect movie? We like to think it's pretty damn close. How could you ever watch Ratatouille and not just feel happiness bubbling over you? For our last Top Chart Tuesday we hope you enjoy our return to Paris to hang out with Remy in the kitchen. Be sure to grab a snack!

Om Podcasten

Podcasting our way through almost 1,000 movies one click at a time. What started as Disney classics only now includes : Touchstone, Miramax, Hollywood Pictures, all under the Disney umbrella. Each week we pick a movie at random and let fate decide what film to watch. Followed up with discussion and an overall rating. Kat has seen a lot of Disney movies, D has seen barely any, together we uncover new favorites. Watch them with us!