Scandalous John (1971) : March Madness - Second Chance Sundays

Kat reluctantly agreed to give Scandalous John a second chance. She really did not enjoy this film but D absolutely loves it. In is so entertaining. Brian Keith's portrayal of the alcoholic and excentric gun happy John McCanlis is something not to be missed. We WISH someone out there would watch this movie and let us know if they felt like they were living in a fever dream like us.  DISCLAIMER This episode was originally recorded under the old podcast show name and contains "quacks" of swear words. Be kind...we have learned a lot since then. 

Om Podcasten

Podcasting our way through almost 1,000 movies one click at a time. What started as Disney classics only now includes : Touchstone, Miramax, Hollywood Pictures, all under the Disney umbrella. Each week we pick a movie at random and let fate decide what film to watch. Followed up with discussion and an overall rating. Kat has seen a lot of Disney movies, D has seen barely any, together we uncover new favorites. Watch them with us!