The Beautiful, the Good, and the Just in Homer's Odyssey

This is the preview to my first discussion of Homer's Odyssey for the "Fathers & Sons" series on my website (it is the sequel to my previous discussion here of the Biblical Samson). At issue here is what we do not find in the story of Samson, namely, the relationship between a father and son wherein the son journeys to know his father while making true friendships along the way, manly friendships which could have greatly helped Samson avoid becoming the easy prey to...

Om Podcasten

These are previews from my website of in-depth discussions on the Western world's greatest books in philosophy and political philosophy.  There are also occasional previews for my Fathers & Sons series on the website devoted to guiding and assisting fathers who themselves want to educate their sons in the great books, and so the emphasis is upon examples of excellence of virtue.